Getting Compensation for Earthquake Damage: How It Works
Earthquakes have the potential to cause unimaginable damage to buildings and property. If you live in California, it is crucial to make proper preparations for this natural calamity. You need to know how to file an earthquake damage claim and what are the insurance laws in California related to earthquakes.
Your first step is to notify your insurance agent or company in writing that you suffered a loss and will be filing an earthquake insurance claim. This step is necessary even if you do not believe the damages exceed your deductible, or you do not carry a specific earthquake policy. Your homeowners’ policy may cover some earthquake-related losses. Let’s examine compensation for earthquake damage more closely and outline the legal process required to obtain maximum reimbursement.
Be Prepared to Get Legal Advice
When seeking earthquake compensation from your insurer, you need first to inspect the “declarations” section of your policy. This page will include your dollar limits and categories of coverage. If you are unsure of what it says, do not exclusively rely on the responses of your insurance carrier or adjuster. If the damages are substantial, it may be best to consult with a reputable California earthquake damage claim attorney.
Following your earthquake damage claim request, the insurance carrier will send an adjuster to inspect your property. In many cases, adjusters do not have the right expertise or equipment to identify the full extent of earthquake damage. Therefore, you should not only trust their opinion on the matter. This point is especially true if they inform you that the damages do not exceed your deductible, and the insurer doesn’t need to pay any benefits.
You should talk to a reputable California earthquake compensation lawyer who will be able to guide you through obtaining a professional opinion on the true extent of the damages. Remember that while the insurance adjuster will worry about the interests of the insurer, your attorney will solely focus on protecting your interests.
Do Not Rush Into a Settlement With the Insurer
Your insurance adjuster might try to encourage you to make a quick settlement. They know from experience that you are in a vulnerable position in the aftermath of shocking devastation of your property. The adjuster may even try to convince you that the damage was preexisting. However, remember that determining earthquake damage requires an exhaustive assessment, and you deserve a full and fair recovery.
Your policy requires you to cooperate with reasonable requests from your insurer, but do not provide a sworn statement or sign a final “proof of loss” form unless you are absolutely sure about the full extent of your claim, coverage, and rights. Acting prematurely without legal representation could hurt your chances to recover your maximum policy benefits.
During the interim period, keep a record of any purchases you make to replace damaged items, and obtain receipts for any expenses you incur due to alternative boarding and lodging. Earthquake compensation will vary according to the terms of your policy. Finally, remember you are not obligated to accept the repair estimates of your insurer’s contractor. You can create your claim based on your contractor’s estimate.
Speak to a Top-Rated Beverly Hills Earthquake Insurance Claim Attorney Today!
Have you suffered property damages due to a recent earthquake? Are you unsure how to proceed when filing an earthquake insurance claim? You need to retain the services of an experienced and professional earthquake insurance attorney to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Attorney Jeffrey Fleitman and his legal team pride themselves on being direct, honest, and personable with every client. Unlike other firms that utilize assistants and paralegals, our lawyers primarily handle each case from start to finish. Call us today at 310-695-1910 or fill out our online contact form for a free initial consultation.